Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 07:01

Hi I'm Ciara. I participate in the science virtual world program. My job is to create a welcome center about the team. This center is all about McMurdo station. If you could, there are some questions I would like to know about you for the world. What is your job? How long have you been interested in this? Last but not least why are you interested in this?

Michele Cross

Hi Ciara!
It sounds like it may help to have each of my teammates answer your questions as well. I'll see what I can do for you once I'm there. Actually, they're coming back from the Bay  of Sails on Friday, so I'll have my friend Mark let Dr. Kim know. Perhaps most of us could then answer your questions as I'm sure we will all have different responses.
As for job as the teacher on the team is to keep a daily journal on this website, complete with pictures. I'll also be blogginf on the Project SCINI 2009 website and will be answering any questions that are posted. I'll also be responsible for preparing for an dconducting at least 2 Live Events (webinars), and I'll be part of the physical labor "force"  that will hand drill holes for SCINI and do whatever needs to be done to have a successful, smoothly run research experience.
I've been interested in science since I was a little tyke and have found myself becoming more  adventerous as I've gotten older.  
And lastly, I'm interested in this because not only is this a cutting edge project but because it will allow us as people to see things that no one has ever seen before! Isn't that totally cool?!?!?! And, I believe it has the potential to capture people's imagination and perhaps get them interested in the world around them!
Mrs. Cross

Stacy Kim

Hi Ciara,What a cool thing you are doing!
My job is a research scientist, I am a benthic ecologist which means I
am interested in animals that live on and in the seafloor. You can
see more about my job, and the other team members, at
I first worked at McMurdo Station in 1988. But the SCINI project is
much younger - I have been working on that only since 2006.
I like to explore! And I like to figure out the answers to questions
about how animals live together in communities. And SCINI is a
wonderful tool to allow exploration, and then further scientific
research. So it is a perfect opportunity for me.
Best, Stacy
On Oct 29, 2009, at 4:01 AM, wrote: