Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 17:09

Hi Michele! Mom got us set up to follow your trip (imagine that my mom showing me something on the computer). Just looking through your journal - the pictures and stories thus far are amazing, especially the ice cave!! Caelan and Maggie liked the seal picture best so far. I have sent both their teachers emails about the site also so that maybe they can follow along in school too. Keep writing when you can, we'll be reading...and can't wait to see pics in person when you get back!! - The Murphy Crew

Michele Cross

Hey guys!! Very funny about "our" mom showing you something on the computer!! LOL!! I'm so glad that you  are following!! It has been beyond amazing! Sometimes I feel like I'm on another planet! like yesterday out at Bratina. Wild seascape!! (And, I can see you working at McMurdo General Hospital!)
We're headed out to the field tomorrow & will be gone till the end of next week, so posting will be spotty at best as I'll only have a satellite phone. (Did the girls get to watch the short video of the seal coming up in the dive hole?? Make sure the volume is up for that one!)
Feel free to post any questions, etc and till next time!!


Caelan - What part of Antarctica are you in?
Maggie - I liked the seal video.
Dan - Do they have any duck hunting there? (or deer for that matter as they seem to be eluding here!)

Michele Cross

OK...I'll field the living critter question first. NO!! No ducks!! But, we do have skuas....they're kind of like sea gulls on steroids and pretty aggressive when it cones to food. They've been known to knock trays out of people's hands as they leave the galley building. And, no on the deer...but I did have venison in Christchurch!
We are stationed on Ross Island but have been to Becker Point on the contininent--part of the dry valleys. We've also been to the ice around Bratina Island and have been on the ice near Cape Evans.
NEW seal video!! Check it out if you haven't already! Amazing sounds!!!
Hope things are well back home!! WIll I see you guys at Christmas???