Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:32

For a given expedition how many individuals apply to be a part of the program? What are the formalities to being selected? Do you have a write a research proposal? Essay?

  • Jeremy

Kristin Timm

Hi Jeremy,
My name is Kristin and I am one of the PolarTREC project managers. I am not sure if your question is regarding teacher applicants to PolarTREC or if it is for the research team... but here is the answer for PolarTREC.
On average we recieve about 250 teacher applications to PolarTREC, to fill about 12 spots per year. Teachers apply using a form available online until 5 October 2009. It is like a proposal in some ways--it asks how you plan to utlize the experience and much more. A selection committee of teachers and researchers selects participants and narrows down the pool. 
If you have other questions about becomeing a PolarTREC teacher, please e-mail

Stacy Kim

Hi Jeremy,Each scientific expedition to McMurdo Station is funded by the
National Science Foundation. Scientists write proposals that are peer
reviewed by other scientists for scientific quality, and reviewed by
the support contractor for logistic feasibility. Overall,
approximately 15% of proposals submitted are approved. Once a
proposal is approved, the scientists select the team of graduate
students, technicians, and specialists they need to complete the
work. Often, these people were already at least tentatively selected
when the proposal was written. When we are filling an open position,
the number of applicants depends on the specific skills needed for the
position. It can range from one (for highly specialized positions) to
hundreds. I go through all the resumes, select about 10 for phone
interviews, and select about 3 for personal interviews, and then pick
one. It is a very difficult choice!
Best, Stacy
On Sep 24, 2009, at 1:32 PM, wrote:

Stacy Kim

Hi Jeremy,Each scientific expedition to McMurdo Station is funded by the
National Science Foundation. Scientists write proposals that are peer
reviewed by other scientists for scientific quality, and reviewed by
the support contractor for logistic feasibility. Overall,
approximately 15% of proposals submitted are approved. Once a
proposal is approved, the scientists select the team of graduate
students, technicians, and specialists they need to complete the
work. Often, these people were already at least tentatively selected
when the proposal was written. When we are filling an open position,
the number of applicants depends on the specific skills needed for the
position. It can range from one (for highly specialized positions) to
hundreds. I go through all the resumes, select about 10 for phone
interviews, and select about 3 for personal interviews, and then pick
one. It is a very difficult choice!
Best, Stacy
On Sep 24, 2009, at 1:32 PM, wrote:

Stacy Kim

Hi Jeremy,Each scientific expedition to McMurdo Station is funded by the
National Science Foundation. Scientists write proposals that are peer
reviewed by other scientists for scientific quality, and reviewed by
the support contractor for logistic feasibility. Overall,
approximately 15% of proposals submitted are approved. Once a
proposal is approved, the scientists select the team of graduate
students, technicians, and specialists they need to complete the
work. Often, these people were already at least tentatively selected
when the proposal was written. When we are filling an open position,
the number of applicants depends on the specific skills needed for the
position. It can range from one (for highly specialized positions) to
hundreds. I go through all the resumes, select about 10 for phone
interviews, and select about 3 for personal interviews, and then pick
one. It is a very difficult choice!
Best, Stacy
On Sep 24, 2009, at 1:32 PM, wrote: