Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 07:37

if it is 7Am here what time will it be there? IST Kimberly-Anne K.

Stacy Kim

Hi Kimberly-Anne,There is a graphic here that
shows the world time zones. In New York you are in time zone -5 and in
New Zealand they are in time zone +12. Read my previous answer to
Ashley's question to see why McMurdo is on New Zealand time. So
McMurdo is 17 hours ahead of New York (the difference between -5 and
+12) and it is midnight tomorrow there when it is 7AM in new York.
Best, Stacy
On Sep 18, 2009, at 8:37 AM, wrote:

Michele Cross

Again, great question! When we fly there, we will skip a day. Be watching my journal (blog) to see which one. But, when we fly back, we get to do the same day twice!! Wouldn't it be neat to be able to celebrate your birthday twice because of traveling through the different time zones??
Mrs. Cross