Michelle, Glad to hear you are home safe and in time for the holidays :) Thanks for all the great new knowledge and wonderful images ! I hope you get some quality rest and family time in before heading back to the classroom! Cheers, Lollie

Michele Cross

Thanks Lollie! There's still more to come... I spent a few hours yesterday downloading and beginning to process video footage. You never need to twist my arm to watch footage! It's been difficult readjusting, but I kind of gathered that was ahead after reading what others had written. Off to school tomorrow morning to try and get ready for a week from today--YIKES! In some ways I feel like I'm starting the school year over...LOL!
Happy New Year!!
From: webmaster@polartrec.com
To: mcross@polartrec.com
Sent: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 13:50:53 -0900
Subject: New Forum topic: Well done Michelle!