Hello I am Taylor Swarthout from Mr.Colunio's sciences class over at Corning Free Academy.I was wondering why you guys go up there and explore underneath the ice.i know it is a reallycool experiment to be able to go up there and work with real scientist.Do you guys do that alll day or do you have some free time to do other things.Are yuo able to call your family when you miss them or get homesick? Do you sleep well, because you said it was light up there and it stays light all 24 hours.It was be reallly cool exploring the ice and seeing all the magnifican creatures under the ice. Also has Skinny brok,er yet from going to fart down under the ice? I can't believce it can go down 1,000 feet below the ice thats a lot. I hope you can come back and teach us more about your cool apportunity you have.I am really into this kind of stuff now. I always wanted to know what it was like underneath the ice in antartica. I hope you have fun and be home before Christmas. I know your days are a day ahead of ours thats so cool on how that works. HAVE FUN!!!!!