Hi Mindy,
I truly enjoy following your journals. I loved seeing your photos, in particular the under-water photos of the organisms.
Before I was a teacher, in the early 80ties, I worked in research on benthic communities in the Atlantic: "The long term effects of drill site lubricants on the benthic community".. among others. The technology has changed so much and my students will benefit greatly leaning about the progress in benthic research using modern photography during the IPY!
We used a huge underwater tow-sled back then (not suitable for work in ice, of course), with a strope light that took pictures/slides every 7 seconds while we transected areas in the Atlantic as long as 24 hours at times. My job included working with the under water sled team from Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Gelogical Observatory, Palisades, N.Y., loading the 35mm slide film for a 24 hour under-water sled transect, developing the slides on board of the ship, and analysing the slides back home. Imagine identifying all those slides! So, Mindy, these are my questions:
1. Is your team preparing for a long term study to establish locations of structures first?
2. Will the team go back to these locations and for how many years? Will it be a monitoring project, in other words?
3. What is the team trying to find out? What is the team's prediction?
4. Does the undersea ROV take still shots or a video?
5. Are you invloved in the identification of the oganisms?
Keep up the great work!!
I am looking forward hearing form you and following your work.
When you return in November, I am about to leave for the South Pole.
Cheers for now and nostalgic benthic greetings to you and your team!!