Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 09:03

how do u get out of the hole when the ice is  feet?

how long does take to build the robot?


Mindy Bell

Hi Marco,
The divers come out of the holes on a ladder.  But Stacy fell in once without a  ladder and she "chimneyed" her way out of the hole by putting her feet on opposite sides and using pressure to get up.  You don't want to do that for fun though!
The team spent 4 months prior to coming to Antarctica building SCINI.  Now that it is built, it still gets taken apart and reassembled at different times.  It takes 4-6 hours just to reassemble the parts so SCINI is watertight and ready to deploy.
They designed SCINI in sections so they could adjust sections as needed.  Right now they are building SCINI 2 - so we have a complete working back up for the field.  If all goes well, they can keep SCINI assembled and keep sending her on missions under the ice.
Thanks for the great questions!