Mindy, This looks like a very exciting adventure! Coming from the Guld Coast, all things nautical get our interest going. Laughing

We will post some questions soon for you, and are excited about following your journey. One quick question: Monterrey Bay, Flagstaff??? Its a very cool place to go, but where's the water?? Where do you go from there?

Best wishes for a safe trip,


Mindy Bell

Hi Lollie and others,I didn't mean to be confusing! The Monterey boat trip was on August 23rd - when I was at Moss Landing with the SCINI team - but I was a little slow in posting it! I just changed the dates on the journal entry so they are more synchronous with the other journal entries from Moss Landing.
Now I am back in Flagstaff and we have a wonderful event called the "Flagstaff Festival of Science" that has been an annual event in Flagstaff for 18 years. I gave a presentation last night about my upcoming trip to Antarctica and there were over 60 people there from the ages of 5 to 85!
I am leaving on Sunday (yes in four days) so I'll be writing soon from THE ICE!