Hi Mindy,

James asks- Does SCINI take pictures constantly, are they all video.

Emmalee and Byrun-Is SCINI hard to control with the joy stick? Is it easy to run into something?

Byrun- How strong is the drill which you drill holes into the ice with?

Mica and Emmalee, Hope you are having fun.Tongue out 



Mindy Bell

Hi Kirk and students:James: SCINI has an Elphel camera that is run remotely with a computer program.  You can take low-resolution video, change to high-resolution if you see something interesting, and take still photos as well.
Emmalee and Byron: SCINI has a cool joy stick that I'll take a picture of soon.  You just use subtle hand movements to move it up and down, forward and back, even sideways because SCINI has side-thrusters.  For kids that are good with joy sticks, it is easy to control.  For me, who has never used a joy stick, it is easy to oversteer and drive it into the mud!
Byrun: My next journal entry shows a redrill - which is HUGE and can drill 4 foot holes in the ice.  There are three drillheads we use for the hand-drilled holes.  The echo is the easiest and can even go in reverse.  The badger and the jiffy are a little larger for our 5-8" drill bits.  They are a pain in the derriere and not easy to use, but they can get the job done.  If you are interested in drills, would you please design us a better system!
Mica and Emmalee: I'm having a blast!