Hi Mindy,

I was looking at how the weather forecasts were changing and I noticed that what weatherunderground reports and weather.com reports for McMurdo are, in some cases, quite a bit different.  For example, on your Monday, weatherunderground says the temp. range is between 4 and -5F, while weather.com reports between 21 and 8F.   That is quite a bit of difference particularly coming from my temp. ranges.  Do you have any way to confirm which is more accurate?   The percipitation reports also differ as well.

Hope all is well with you! 
Ann Linsley

Mindy Bell

Hi Ann and others,I think we should get Kirk to look into this as he is going to be our PolarTREC weather guru.  When I click on the "McMurdo Weather Report" that we get on station - ALL I get is whether different areas are in Condition 1,2, or 3.  And Condition 3 (the best condition) can really vary from lovely to "Are you crazy? I can barely see my bunny boots!".  I'll keep asking around as there must be a way to access better weather reports here - but for now I'd say weatherunderground has weather.com beat.  We haven't seen anything close to 21 F!  The high on Friday was 9 F and that felt BALMY!