Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 10:13

What do you expect to find with the new ROV? Do you hope to discover new life forms or even advanced life forms of those already known to man? I am very interested to see what you discover in these never before explored areas.  There are so many possibilities that could be in store.

Mindy Bell

I am very excited to see what they discover with the new ROV.  This year may be mostly experimental to see how well this remotely operated vehicle works.  It has a camera on it to take pictures of the sea floor so will see what organisms live there if the camera can take good enough pictures in that deep, dark, cold ocean under the sea ice!Many new organisms do get discovered in places people haven't been before, and even in places we have been before - but they are usually small ones that are related to other species we know about.  For example, maybe we'll find a new species of sponge or of a marine worm.  It sure would be exciting to discover a new species, but we may just find species we already know about that have colonized (moved into) an area where we didn't know they existed.
I'll let you know what we find in my journal entries when I get to Antarctica in October so stay posted!