Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 06:11

Good morning Mr. B, 

Possible answer for the WATIZIT

steam from Mt. Erebus because it is an active volcano


How can the Oden break through the ice?

How do you get on the top of track vehicles to watch rugby?

Do you get fresh fruit and vegetables?

How are there active volcanoes in Antarctica?

If lava does come out of the volcano does it instantly freeze?

What is the name of the rugby teams?

3D and 3R  Cool

Kirk Beckendorf

 Very good!!! Erebus is an active volcano!!! That is steam/smoke from the crater. There is a website with a live webcam on top of the ccrater.
We just received word that we are flying out to some weather stations in about an hour, so I will not have time to answer all of your questions very thoroughly right now.
The front of the Oden basically rides up on top of the ice and then the weight of the ship breaks through the ice. They have a ladder mounted to the side of them.
There is actually a greenhours here in McMUrdo and then the large C17's fly in from New Zealand several times a week, so yes we do get some fresh fruit and vegetables, but most of what we get are frozen.
The other day I asked a geologist the same question about Erebus. There may be, what is called a hot spot under the Earth's crust right here.
The names, as far as I know are just Scott Base and McMurdo.
Gotta go get some sunscreen and get suited up in all of my ECW.
 Mr. B
So a few days ago (in the journal section A Quick Note) I gave you the locations of two weather stations that we were headed to. They are where we are headed to today. Any ideas?