Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 10:08

Emmalee said "Thank you for the penguin pictures"

Krystal wants to know if you are having a good time - stay warm

Mikey wants to know if you've driven the Mac-Trac yet

and Mica wants to know how fast it can go.

Andrea said "Thank you for wearing the shirt that we all signed"

James was surprised that there is a fire department there is McMurdo and wondered if they see much action.

Kirk Beckendorf

 Emmalee- I thought you would like the penguin pictures.
Krystal- Yes I am having a good time and am staying warm, it's really not that cold here.
MIkey- I drove the Mattrack (I misspelled it the first time) during my drivers training, but not since then. We really didn't think that I would be driving it, but I thought it would be fun, so I signed up for the training.
Mica- Uh oh I hope I remember what I learned in class. I think the speed limit in town is 20 kilometers/hour and out on the sea ice it is 40 kilometers/hour.  But I don't know how fast it can actually go.
Andrea- Thanks for signing the shirt.
James- Yesterday when I was there they had had three incidents- a fire call (some scientists were cooking in their lab andset off the fire alarm), they had the medical evacuation/treatment (this morning at breakfast I heard that a scientist was on a snowmobile that basically slid down a steep slope and fell on him- he had a compound fracture on his leg/ankle, broken ribs, knocked out teeth and a ripped up lip. He was way out in the middle of nowhere, they helicoptered him out and then put him on a C17 and flew him to New Zealand. I don't rememeber the third call they had.


Hey Mr. B !!!!!  I love the smile faces you sent us they are so cute!!!      Stay warm and have fun.  And these are for you.....                                                                                              From Emmalee