Hi Kirk! I was reading the journal of the 11th to my class (about the Oden). It was really neat seeing it from another perspective. Wonder who is standing on the deck looking toward you and McMurdo!I understood the crew may have been on shore this weekend, do you know if they made it to the dock? Perhaps you can take a picture before you leave so that we can see the progress! I will forward your site to my Swedish and US friends- I know they would love to see it too! My Redd School class has a couple of questions: 1. Is solar energy used in the greenhouse during the summer? 2. How many pounds of "greens" can be grown before winter? 3. How big is the greenhouse? 4. The weather stations don't look very sturdy, what kind of material or metal are they made of? 5. Have they ever lost contact with a large number of them(weater stations) at a time? 6. Are the scientists you are with the only ones who work on them? Thanks, Have a great day! Lollie