Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:36

Hey, it's Elaina. I miss bugging you in the hallways! Tongue out So I wana know more about all the animalsand landscapes and EVERYTHING! And of course if you're having fun there so far. -E

Kirk Beckendorf

Hi Elaina,No bugs here. I miss being harrassed.
The landscape is fascinating very little color- just basically black and white, it can go from no visibility with everything just completely white, to white snow and ice with dark rocks and being able to see for miles. Looking across the McMurdo Sound which is flat frozen sea ice covered with snow you can see the mountains 40-50 miles away. It looks like you could walk to them in a couple of hours. They are very high and beautiful but still black and white.
Mr. B. 


Black and white are my favorite colors! So I'm a little plain but whatever. So have you seen any more animals? It looks soo pretty there, I wish I could be there. I also wana know about some of the explorers that went there before. I know I said history is boring but STILL.From Elaina to Mr. B.

Kirk Beckendorf

History is cool!!! Especially history about the poles (pun intended). Remind me when I get back. I have a book about some of the early polar explorations that I will loan you.  There is also a book called Endurance that I think you would enjoy about an explorer named Shackleton. It is an amazing story.
Now that the Oden is breaking a path through the ice we are seeing quite a few seals on the ice. I also saw an Adelie here threw a powerful scope. 
Its good to hear from you!!!
Mr. B.