Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 13:53

Dear Mr. B,

Do you think it would be cool if you could ride on the Oden?

Do you like the food from the Greenhouse in Antarctica or in the U.S.?

Do you like the seals better than the whales or whales better than the seals?


Cat from 3-D at Hockaday 

Kirk Beckendorf

Yes I do think it would fun to ride on the Oden. I was going to take a tour of the ship, but that did not work out.  If you look over to the left on this page and find Oden Antarctic Expediton '07 you read about a teacher who just got off of the Oden. I like all food.  
She was onboard for about 6 weeks. I think both whales and seals are neat. 
Mr. B.