Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 17:01

Dear Mr.Beckendorf

I was reading your awsome journal and had a few questions for you:

1.When you were in NZ, did you ever get a chance to play street chess?

2.How long were you at Happy Campers Class?

3.What was your favorite part about NZ and your least about Antarctica?

You journal is truly the BEST EVER and I can't wait for your anser! I'd really like to meet you, you seem like a really fun person to talk to!!!!!

The one of a kind,

Charity J.SmileSmileSmile 

Kirk Beckendorf

Charity,Thanks for the complements.
I did not play street chess but I think that would have been fun. I think it would be different play on such a large "board", eveything would look different, compared looking down onto a small game board.
My favorite part in NZ was my hike on Banks Peninsula, and I wish Happy Camper school would have been longer and in more extreme conditions. It was only one night and two days long.
Mr. B.