Hi Kirk!

Thanks for posting on your conference in Wisconsin! It looked like a very interesting meeting and what a way to help tie in your experience. I know that there are some long acronyms out there for scientific groups but AMOMFW takes the cake!

So, are you getting ready for your next experience...in D.C?! That will be quite the change from Texas.

Best, Janet

Kirk Beckendorf

Hey Janet,Yep that is quite the acronym. After awhile I quite trying to pronounce it. It really does help have that follow up from being in the field (which really is only a small part of what a field researcher does).
Yep I am getting ready for D.C. In fact to do that, I spent the last three weeks on a road/camping/backpacktrip across the West. I had to get my fix of mountains and wide open country before I hit the big city.