Good morning Kirk. Glad to see you are down south! Hope all is well. I sent you an email a month or so ago to relay a question from my students about power for weather station transmissions to satellites during the dark months when those solar panels are of little (or no) use. My kids and I got busy with making contacts around the world and discovered that some stations are equipped with wind turbines for power generation....not dependent upon sunshine for power then. Our questions are: What do the wind turbines look like and how big are they? Is it possible to use the same device as the station uses to measure wind speed or are larger blades required for the turbine? How long do these devices last without maintenance? Do they have bearings that require lubrication and what kind of lubrication is used in a place as cold as Antarctica? (This last from one of my sons who lives in Alaska.)
Best wishes for a very successful mission. We will look forward to reading your journal as often as possible.
Barney Peterson