Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 17:26

Hi Mr. B,

This is Abby from 3W.  Is Antartica anything like you expected it to be?

What was the favorite thing you learned at Happy Camper School?

Do you have a tv?

Thanks, stay warm, and watch out for Mr. Scott's ghost.

                            Abby 3WCool

Kirk Beckendorf

Those are some really good questions!!! Even though I knew what the temperatures would be, I still expected it to feel colder and more stormy that it has been. Although we are having a nice little storm for the past two days. Not nearly as severe as they can be here, but it is windy and snowy.
McMUrdo is not what I expected (although I am not really sure what I expected.) Partly there is not as much snow and ice here at McMurdo as I expected.
Probably how to set up a Scott Tent and how to build a snow wall were my favorite things I learned.
I do not have a tv in my room here, but then I don't have one in Texas either.
Iwould love to talk to Mr. Scott's ghost.
Mr. B.