Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 16:06

Dear Mr.B,

Why does everything that comes to Antarctic have to leave Antarctic? Are most of your meals hot? What is your favorite part about your trip so far? What is your favorite animal you have seen?

Thanks from Taylor 3W

Kirk Beckendorf

Thanks for all of the questions.A number of countries have signed an agreement to protect Antarctica's environment. So part of the way to protect it is to not leave trash, pollution, human waste and everything else we bring down here.
Yes most meals are hot, although today we flew to a couple of remote weather stations and we took sack lunches with us.
Being able to experience some amazing places and work and visit with many different scientist.
Adelie penguins are very cute. They are almost the only animal we have seen, other than some seals of in the distance. Very few land animals live here, and no large ones.
Mr. B.