Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 15:53

  Dear Mr. B,Cool

     Is the noise that the helo makes very loud?Before you came to Antarctica what did you think it would be like?Where is your favorite place to be in Antarctica?Also, what do you like about having a section in a website?One last question,when you usually write down your journal entry what time is it and what time is it our time?


                                                              Anna 3RSmile

Kirk Beckendorf

It is so funny that you just now asked about the noise of the helicopter. I am about to post a recording from one of the helicopter trips. Yes the do make a lot of noise. However when you are inside you have to wear a helmet which protects your head and your ears.Wow your second question is a really good question, but really hard to answer because there were so many things that I had thought it would be like. I thought it would be colder than it has been (but it is summer here). Even though it is very remote it doesn't feel remote here at McMUrdo since there are about 1000 people here.
I really haven't been to man places yet so I can't give you a good answer about my favorite spot.
It is really fun having so many students asking questions.
I write the journal at different times of the day. It depends on what I have been doing during the day. Last night I wrote it at about midnight my time. That is 19 hours ahead of your time. At the beginning of each journal I give you the time and  day when I post the journal.
Thanks for writing.
Mr. B.