Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 05:05

Dear Mr. B.,Cool

I think the answer to the WATIZIT on 1-19-08 is a window from the green house.

I think the answer to the WATIZIT on 1-20-08 is a killer whale fin.


What is your favorite thing to do in antarctica when your not studying?

Do people have pets inantarctica?

Do you play sports in antarctica?

What is your favorite thing to study?

Whitch atamobile and/or plane do you ride in the most?

What is your favorite Thing about Scott's hut?

What is The Spookist of seeings in Scott's hut?

Does it rain or Sleet in antarctica?

Just one more..........

Is antactica fun or hard to work with?

Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

                           Sara 3DSmile

Kirk Beckendorf

Good quesses on both of the WATIZITs, but sorry it is not a window or an orca. Here area a couple of hints. For the first WATIZIT, look at the pics from the previous day. For the whale.... it is a baleen whale.My favorite thing to do down here when I am not working is to go for a hike. People are not allowed to bring animals to Antarctica so yu cannot have a pet. Also keep in mind people don't really live here they come down to work for awhile but nobody has a home here. 
I haven't played sports here, although I ran in the Scott's Hut race. I thought about running the half marathon yesterday, but did not. I did see some people playing frisbee yesterday, unfortunatelyI didn't have my camera. I just remembered I played shuffle board a week or two ago.
I have flown in helicopters more than other "vehicles". Although that will probably change this week.
I suppose maybe the pants hanging on the line "to dry" would be both favorite. The carcasses of animals hanging on the wall is a little bit spooky.
I have not seen it ran or sleet here, only snow. Very few if any places would it ran or sleet because it is just too cold.
One of the things that is difficult is how things often do not run on schedule, bacause of the weather. Even if there is good weather where we are, bad weather somewhere else can affect or schedule. You have to be very flexible and go with the flow.
Thanks for all of the great questions.
Mr. B.