Good morning Kirk and Team. My 4th graders had come up with a number of questions to ask when we got the chance on the 15th, but our phoe wouldn't work. I am sending some of them on this morning.
Is there fog in Antarctica? Is there ever enough snow to cause avalanches? How cold is the water? How do they put those triangular tracks on for the wheels on th MacTrack? What are the average day and night temperatures at McMurdo Station? How do people stay safe and not get lost in blizzards? To what part of Antarctica are Blue Penguins native?
If some of these questions were answered during the forum we apologize. We missed a few minutes while the principal and I were messing with the phone, trying to get it to work. Our district seems to count on my class to find some of their tech bugs for them!
Thanks again for a great opportunity to participate. Be safe and stay warm.
Barney Peterson and 4th grade class at James Monroe Elementary, Everett, WA.