Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 17:24





One quick thing not to be bothersome: In ur pic u were wearing short sleves I know u aren't wearing them but what do u wear?

I gess I am going to be bothersome because I have another (some) (more) ?'s: Are there frozen lakes here and those tunnles that u can fall into and die or are those just in the mountians or are u in the mountians? I found out about them on man v.s. wild he got his parachut strings and knoted them and the parachout he stuffed stuff and he fell in one and they "saved" him!  He also jumped in a frozen lake because he wanted to show how to survive in 1 but I thought that was really stupid he even meant to!!!!!!!

Extra Good Luck  FromTala


Kirk Beckendorf

Hi Tala,What we wear all depends on where we are going and what we are doing. Right now and most of today we have been inside. I am wearing a t-shirt. This morning I was outside for awhile and I wore a t-shirt a heavy shirt and a heavy coat. We were suppose to fly to a weather station, but we didn't. When we do we wear even another layer and a heavier coat and stocking cap and heavy insulated boots. 
Right here in McMUrdo we do not have any of the the "tunnels"  (they are called crevases) but not very far away they are all over the place and they are very dangerous.
I have not seen any lakes, but the ocean is frozen here. Before I got here they drilled a hole in the ice and people jumped in, just for fun. They call it the Polar Plunge. I think that would be fun... and really cold.
Mr. B.