Hi Kirk!

I'm so glad that you got to visit with your research team and learn more about your upcoming expedition! It makes it more real and will give you a great start to your school year!

Thanks for sharing your experience and sharing your insights to the research project. My husband LOVES weather and secretly wants to be a Meteorologist - so we'll be following your adventure closely :)

Cheers, Janet

Kirk Beckendorf

Hi Janet!!! I can't believe you didn't call when you were in SA. Just kidding, hope you had a good time, you probably missed the heat we are having now.
Thanks for supporting me going to meet the team. It was extremely beneficial.
You might tell your husband about this website...
Today, Matthew Lazzara, one of the meterologist that I will be working with from the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, sent me the following information about an online "lesson" about Antarctic Meterology. I have only looked at part of it but what I have seen it is an excellent overview, and great photography. There are also other modules available at the main website.
"Antarctica: Challenging Forecasts for a Challenging Environment"
http://www.meted.ucar.edu/polar/antarctica_ipy .
To view the module, you will have to register.  Once you have createda login, you will be forwarded to the Antarctica module.
This was a "COMET" / "MetEd" project done jointly by:
The U.S. National Science Foundation (they funded most of it), the  Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and  Training or (COMET) and others at the National Center for Atmospheric  Research (NCAR) and the scientists and forecasters involved (I'd be  one of those "science" guys I guess)

Janet Warburton

Hi Kirk.Thanks for the website - I will pass it along to Brad. Yes, sorry about not visiting in SA...we were so busy with family and eating at Rudy's :)
I can't believe all those medical exams that you have to go through either...seems so crazy but necessary. I'm glad you maintain your sense of humor :)
Best of luck with the rest of the tests!