Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 05:26

So glad you were able to go out to WAIS, especially to visit with the scientists and experience the region. I will be interested in the comparative research findings between WAIS and the Greenland study being done in Co.  Will you have excess to those findings? 

Is there any difference in weather conditions and patterns between WAIS and the Pole?  700 miles sounds like a long way, but even in Texas there can be a lot of difference between weather in Amarillo and Houston.  But, where there is virtually nothing but ice, I am just wondering how much variation there can be.


Kirk Beckendorf

Hey How are ya'll???For some of the studies it will be quite awhile before there is enough/any data. The ice cores will be loaded onto a ship as soon as it gets here and fairly soon after it arrives in Denver they will begin being studied. When those results will be avaialable I do not know.
Shelley and George said it is generally quite abit colder and drier at the Pole. The Pole is several thousand feet higher in elevation and quite aways further from the coasts. Both of those things of course have been affects on temperature and moisture.
Hope you are doing well!!!