Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 03:08

Hello Kirk, Shelley, George, Jonathan, and Jonas: Kirk if I did my ciphering correctly you all should now be on the ice and full of wonderment; please tell Shelley “Hey” for me (remind her that I am the one that kept interrupting her presentation with questions).  We really enjoyed your latest picture post as it made a real connection with your classroom and folks back here. Can you tell me your initial impression as the icy continent came into view out your window(did you have a window?)? Can you recall what emotion you felt as you stepped out on her and looked around? I figured out the secret sound by the way; you were standing on a busy corner near an intersection in Christchurch; traffic noises in the back ground, children singing nearby and an audible pedestrian crossing signal joining in the general cacophony. I wish I were not so brilliant as it is such a burden to bear day in and day out.  Again, it is quite cold here (for Blanco) and I am going to dress up  warmly , go outside and work on the water well wiring and pretend I am you; I will allow the various cats, dogs, and livestock that follow me around down there to portray various members of my exploring party. Thank-You all for being Scientist and acting on your curiosities!  Mike McClure5th Grade Science TeacherCurrently on  holiday

Kirk Beckendorf

 Great job Mike, you win the prize, I'm not sure what it is but you get it. Yes the sound is a traffic signal. I wish I could answer all of those questions you asked, unfortuantely I can't. Although I could make something up.
So, for the answer to why I can't answer your questions, please read my comments to Karen in her "Flight" comments. 
Glad you enjoyed the pics. 
Stay warm up there in winter.


Hello Kirk! Thank-You so much for awarding me the prize which I hope has something to do with ending high stakes standarized testing; bringing more real scientist into the classroom;and our beloved state supporting the teaching of evolution in  K-12.
 As for your question about was it Mars: it was if you felt angry and warlike when you looked at it.
 A teacher's best plans are carved in jello, I suppose that was originally written for scientist too. I bet your on the southernmost continent by now.
 I believe you are correct about the Pulitzer being for writing, maybe I am thinking of the Nobel, especially since your contest answer involved a busy intersection and a crossing signal.
 Now your turn : Did your plane have skis?
What is the heat source  for the buildings there?
Did Shelley  tell us what the fresh water supply was?
Do you all have to take turns shovling snow into a large cauldon to bring about a change in state of matter?
 we are so darn proud of you Kirk!
 Mike McClure


We, also, enjoyed everyone of the pictures, what an incredible way to spend a Chistmas.  Hope they have the plane in good working order and you have, by now, arrived on the ice.  Can't wait to hear about what you see and the emotional rush you get from first sight.  Do the planes there have wheels or skids for landing?  All is well here, except for the cold 50 degrees.  Can't wait to see more of your postings and the answers to your fans questions.

Kirk Beckendorf

Mike,Thanks for all of your support and complements.
I love your comment about jello.
The plane has tires not skis. Some of the planes sometimes do use skis.
I am going to need to do some checking on the heat question. Remind me if I forget to answer this.
The water is produce by desalinating sea water. Conserving water is a very big issue here. We do not have to take sailor showers, but we are asked to conserve as much as possible. 