Hello Kirk, Shelley, George, Jonathan, and Jonas: Kirk if I did my ciphering correctly you all should now be on the ice and full of wonderment; please tell Shelley “Hey” for me (remind her that I am the one that kept interrupting her presentation with questions). We really enjoyed your latest picture post as it made a real connection with your classroom and folks back here. Can you tell me your initial impression as the icy continent came into view out your window(did you have a window?)? Can you recall what emotion you felt as you stepped out on her and looked around? I figured out the secret sound by the way; you were standing on a busy corner near an intersection in Christchurch; traffic noises in the back ground, children singing nearby and an audible pedestrian crossing signal joining in the general cacophony. I wish I were not so brilliant as it is such a burden to bear day in and day out. Again, it is quite cold here (for Blanco) and I am going to dress up warmly , go outside and work on the water well wiring and pretend I am you; I will allow the various cats, dogs, and livestock that follow me around down there to portray various members of my exploring party. Thank-You all for being Scientist and acting on your curiosities! Mike McClure5th Grade Science TeacherCurrently on holiday