Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 12/30/2007 - 03:35

 Wow Kirk!

 I nearly passed  out with over excitement this a.m. as I read your new dispatches and viewed the photos; the recording at the bottom was just wonderful. I enjoyed hearing your words come alive! I am very impressed with all the "hits' your journal is receiving;You are more popular than my 100 year old Grandmother at her younger sister's funeral (94) yesterday; which is not as gruesome as it sounds. I was thrilled to see that Megean (sp?) e-mailed you! We are all very proud of you and Shelley and George and the other two scientists; is this all so blase to them since they have been there before or are they excited as well? Did you know you would be there for Icestock? I recall Shelley had photos of it in her presentation; do you think they closed down for Christmas as well? I suppose New Years is a more international holiday, though. It looks to be sub zero C. here (in the a.m) for the next 4 or 5 days,so reading your dispatches in the wee morning here is like surreal, to borrow your phraseology. Who is taking care of your house and stuff? I have told my students for years that desalination plants produce a briny sludge as a waste product, that is difficult to deal with. See if you can find out if I have been lying to them if you can; I suppose the sea water (liquid state) around you is more dense with more mineral molcules per unit since it is so cold. I am reclusing myself from your contests for awhile because I have this gift you see, like Atticus Finch, and I shant flaunt it; however; I do believe that tread goes to the HAL 9000 super computer from (name that film).

 Now go do that scoo-do that you do so well!

Mike McClure

5th grade Science Teacher

currently on holiday

but my brain never rests, neither does yours



Kirk Beckendorf

I did not realize that IceStock would be going on now. I know that he a Christmas party here, but I am not ure how much time was taken off.I'll check into the desalination process for you.
Thanks for bowing out to allow mere mortals to have a chance in the "name that picture game". Just kidding, you are more than welcome to join in.  
It may be colder there than here.