Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/06/2013 - 15:47

Hi Mr. T.

I read through the articles, your journal, and watched the video and I was wondering what was the initial cause that caused the earth to start warming up in 1952. Also why in the 1980's did the earth really start to heat up especially in the artic and around the world? Lastly I was wondering is there a way to slow the permafrost from melting?

Your trip looked pretty amazing! Just on a side note what was your favorite part of Alaska?

Matt Marino


Matt -
Good questions. The earth warms and cools naturally, so it's hard to attribute any short-term warming trend to any specific cause, human or natural. After all, the earth warmed a lot over the past 10,000 years since the last ice age, solely from natural causes. We'll talk more about this and how climate scientists try to distinguish human-caused from natural warming.
As for my favorite part of Alaska, it was probably Kenai Fjords National Park, which had beautiful scenery and amazing wildlife. I'll show pictures in class.
- Mr. T