Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/05/2013 - 15:38

Mr. Taterka,

It looks like you made some great memories this summer - I was really interested in reading about your experiences!

I know this question has nothing to do with the issue of permafrost melting and carbon dioxide, however, I was really surprised by the existence of parasitoid wasps who will lay their eggs inside other organisms which will eventually hatch and eat their way out - very similar to the creatures from the "Alien" movies! I was wondering: are there other animal species' similar to the parasitoid wasp? Also, are there other regions/climates where this type of life exists?

Thanks a lot - can't wait to see you in class and hear more about your trip!

-- Mark Zawadiwsky


Mark -
It is a fascinating evolutionary adaptation. Parasatoid wasps are one of the most widespread animals on the planet, from the tropics to the tundra. Fortunately, they only attack other insects, not humans. This is something we'll look at more this year in Envi Sci class.
- Mr. T