Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/19/2007 - 18:51

Hello Ms.Davenport

My Name is Jackie i am in mrs prevenas's science class>!

I was wondering what new things youve seen on your adventure to the bering sea?

Bye bye or as we say in Hawaii.......Alohaaaa

Jackie NaeoleCoolSmile

Emily Davenport

Hi Jackie!  (Or should I say Aloha?) 
You are a lucky girl to have Mrs. Prevenas as a teacher- I bet you guys learn all sorts of cool stuff!!  
I have seen all sorts of new things on my Bering Sea adventure.  I got to see walrus today, which I've never seen before- a whole bunch of them!  I've seen ice on the ocean, which I've never seen before, and I've even walked on that ice!!  I've seen Alaska, which I've never seen before, and I've also seen all sorts of benthic (live on the bottom of the ocean) organisms that I've never seen before- I got to hold a brittle star!  They are a neat animal, because they can move every leg individually, and walk around very quickly.  I've also seen lots and lots of bald eagles, which is very exciting, because in Washington, where I live, there aren't very many of them.
So I have seen LOTS of new stuff- and I'm sure by the end of our cruise, I'll have seen even MORE!  Thanks for the great question