Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 08:31

Hi again,

We loved your report on the tagging of the seals. We also completed some research about animal population changes, so this was a great way to learn how some resarch is done. 

We were wondering if research has noticed any changes in the seal population?

We also know that your trip will be over soon. We would like to thank you for all the interesting journals and we would like to wish you a save trip home.

Class 11 of Elke BergholzWink

UNIS, New York

Maggie Prevenas

Hi Elke, 
We have some preliminary counts for you but will update them as more info becomes available:
125 Bearded seals
7 ribbon seals
37 ringed seals
113 spotted seals
226 walrus 
(as of April 28, 2007)
Thank you so much for your interest. OUR IPY webinar on Thursday will be all about the pinnepeds featuring Carlton Ray the walrus man and Mike Cameron the seal guru.
It's 2:30-3:30 YOUR time. We also archive them, so if you want to use the ppt from the show, you will be sure to find it interesting.