Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 07:17

Your journal entries are really. really interesting.  I had no clue

how a scientific expedition actually operated--your details are

making it all so clear!

Bobbie Easterling at the Boonshoft




This is all really exciting, make sure you bring back presents for everyone. 
Jason H., back home

Robyn Sweet

Thanks Bobbie!!I’m glad you are enjoying them. I never knew how much work went on during a cruise either. It is constant 24:7
Tell everyone at the museum HELLO!!

Robyn Sweet

So, Jason, by everyone…you really mean J-A-S-O-N. Yeah, I’ve got about 25 lbs of space to work with for my trip back.  
Thanks again for all your help. 
I guess I might look for something…