Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 13:49

what does ctd far i think u r doing a wonderful job keep up the good work.

Robyn Sweet

CTD stands for Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth.The instrument basically then measures salinity, temperature, and depth. The device is used by scientists by lowering a round cage called a rosette with lots of Niskin bottles attached. The Niskin bottles are open on both ends so as the CTD is lowered, water travels freely through them and are activated to close by an electronic signal shutting in the sample of water at the desired depth. At that instant, temperature, salinity, and depth are recorded. After all bottles have been shut, the rosette is brought back to the surfaceand scientists can then get water samples from exact depths to perform other tests such as trace metals, dissolved oxygen, and other nutrient levels. 


that ansewerd my question.u r an amazing person.keep up the good work.