Hi Mr. K,

The video on "What to Pack" was great. Have you been warm while you are on the decks of the ship?

What do you need to do to protect your face, if anything?

Have you gotten a chance to wear all of the layers including the huge jacket and gloves yet?

And of course the big question - what animals have you seen so far?

Thanks for your time and best wishes for a great adventure, Elizabeth Eubanks

Craig Kasemodel

Thanks for the compliment. The ship isn't in dock at Dutch Harbor, yet. We are scheduled to depart on early Thurs am. We arrived early just in case we couldn't make one flight into Dutch Harbor, we could then take another and still make it out. 
 I haven't yet wore all of the gear - I feel a bit sheepish, in fact, I feel like I over packed! But, the weather projections are for 60 mph winds and a blizzard the first couple of days we head out. I will keep you posted if I need all of the gear I received in Fairbanks!
I am impressed by the number of birds that winter in Dutch Harbor. I only took a short tour around town today. I hope to make it out tomorrow for some pictures. Bald eagles are called 'dumpster ducks' because they are so numerous around the dump and dumpsters. Still impressive that there are so many of them!