Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 14:19

Hey Buddy,

How do you like the big water? Have you been chumming for the the plankton tow crew? Any whales yet? What about Walrus. Is the plural of Walrus...Walri? What is the proper name for a group of Walrus? Pack, herd, What? What's the food like? How many meals a day could you eat if you stayed up for 24 hours? If your find yourself getting seasick with no letup...find the center of gravity on the boat and it will be the spot that rocks and rolls the least.

Keep those postings coming.


Craig Kasemodel

I like the big water! Whales have been heard with the passive acoustic sonobuoys, I haven't seen any yet. We have seen walrus for the past few days, mostly swimming in the leads but a few up on the ice. Hey I think i just saw a flock of walri now! Actually, I believe the plural is walrus groups, but I will check with our walrus experts on ship when I get the chance. There is so much fresh fruit on board, I think I could eat non-stop, at least I haven't gotten sick yet. I have been out in Lake Superior in big swells in little skiffs so the Healy rides great!