Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 08:28

I was wondering what kind of animals you will be tagging and why.... how many.....


Hope U R enjoying the trip Mr. K  LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Craig Kasemodel

We have tagged 10 walruses on the expedition so far. The USGS walrus team of Chad Jay and Tony Fishbach were hoping to tag a total of 12. They have satellite transmitters on them. The tags are the size of a hockey puck. They send a signal from the animal to 2 satellites which send signals to a couple fixed locations on earth. With the use of mathematical equation or algorithm, the researchers can calculate the walrus location within a km. The information is invaluable as the walruses forage and travel around the Bering Sea, especially when they begin the spring migration northward.