Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 17:32

Dear Mrs. Davenport.

Should we be worried about the current state of the bearing sea ecosystem?

Ethan B.  Hartford High.

Emily S. Davenport

Hi Ethan-
Wow- what a great question. I believe that people should definitely be concerned about the health of the Bering Sea ecosystem- I know that we all are, which is why we are up here right now studying everything we can about it. Scientific data shows us that the ecosystem is changing, and we are trying to understand what those changes mean, and whether they are caused by human activities. I've said before that we should all be aware of our impact on this earth, and realize that the way you live in your area can cause changes to an ecosystem like the Bering Sea, even though it seems like it's too far away to be affected by your actions.
Thanks for your question!!