Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 12:42

Ms. Davenport,

You mentioned that this is your second time being out on the rough seas of the Bering Sea, and I was curious to know if you have seen a decrease or increase in the amount of sea life compared to your first trip. Have these changes in animal life been affected by any other environmental changes?

Hope the seas are calm and you're doing well!


Hartford High School

Emily S. Davenport

Hi Aaron!
Great question! This is why we are out in the Bering Sea- to look at the change in sea life. Unfortunately we don't know what those changes are yet, because for some of us this is our first trip up to the Bering, and for those who are on their second trip, we haven't gotten a chance to compare the data we are getting this year to the data we got from last year. Hopefully later this year, and certainly by next year's cruise, we will know more about the health of the Bering Sea ecosystem.