Aloha Emily!

I was just given a copy of Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1,500 Years by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery. Started reading it and my jaw just about fell off my skull. Just wondering if any of the scientists on board have been reading publications from this point of view and what say they?

I'd love to get feedback, especially from Dr. David or Dr. Al.



Emily S. Davenport

Hi Maggie!
I haven't read the book you are referring to. I will try and ask David and Al what they think- things have been so busy around here that it's hard to get a free moment. I'm sure you know how that is. Does the book say that perhaps we might just be in a natural cycle of global climate change? If so, I would imagine that the earth does go through natural cycles of warming and cooling, and that may indeed be occurring now, however there has been a warming trend observed over the past ~100 years (around the time of the Industrial Revolution) that is greatly accelerated in regards to something that would be naturally occurring. It may be that we as humans are accelerating this warming trend that is naturally occurring over a long period of time, causing it to be more dramatic in a short period of time. But without having read the book, I'm unable to really answer your question. I'll see if I can ask around and find out any more! Thanks for the question!!