Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 19:17

Hi Janet

Hope you made it to Gambel and points west...  It's great to share on the website.  We want to know about the current sea ice.  Is there ice at Gambell and how much is around this year?  What about fog?  Wishing you a great voyage.  Lois and Daniel

Janet Warburton

Hi Lois and Dan! Thanks for posting!
I'm in Gambell tonight (they have wireless here!) and thought it would be a good time to answer your question. During the flight over from Nome, there wasn't any ice and just as we approached Gambell there was ice. Apparently, the ice that I was seeing today just recently blew in from the West. Otherwise, it's been relatively ice free around here for several weeks.
Along with the ice, locals have seen more walrus, more seals, and more POLAR BEARS! A polar bear was seen (and killed) a few days ago - right in town. Tracks were seen along the beach today. (Guess I won't be taking that walk on the beach tonight!)
The ice isn't very thick - just old pan ice - and will probably be gone with the next strong wind. I have some photos of the ice around Gambell in the photo gallery.