Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/22/2013 - 16:50


A mere 1.5 degrees above (or perhaps below to you) the antarctic circle on the first day of summer, now that's an awesomely tricky question.

Speaking of "awesome", the most common seven letter word in your journal entries, its root is from old English and means fear inspiring but modern usage means wonderful and amazing. It has been transformed into its opposite. Glad you introduced this journal entry with word origins. One of the awesome things about the Oxford English Dictionary was that, unlike its predecessors, it was not conceived as a definitive manual for proper use of the language, but as a history of its development and transformation through history.

Up until the middle of the 20th century phonetic drift and local usage diverged to create new dialects and eventually languages, just as much of the Roman empire evolved languages out of Latin. Now a question for you; Why only "up until the middle of the 20th century"?

Hope you are not pulling an all-nighter.
