Hi Mr. Wood, this is Celine from Period 5. Sorry these are so late I finally had time to read more journals.
What do these patterns tell you about how the water in the river moves when it’s not frozen? I think that these pattens tell me that there is still snow in the river.
What do we expect the CO2 measurements to be doing at this time of year? I think that we should expect the CO2 measurements should be not working as hard as in the summer, because of photosynthesis.
Why do we take measurements form these plots when they are not part of the regular experiment? You take measurements from these plots because even though they are not part of the experiment, you should still know what is happening.
How many oxbow lakes do you see in this photo? I see 3 oxbow lakes.
5.What do you think some of those important adaptations are? I think that some of those important adaptations are that the polar bear needs to have a lot of fur to stay warm and to have white fur to blend in with the snow.