Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 20:07

Thonpson,Kaylie 3/21/12 Period 2

Hi Mr. Wood I have some answers to your questions. Q: What do we expet C2O measurments to be doing at this time of year? A: I think that you would expect C2O measrments to be moving in the ground a lot because during the seasons each season it changes. Q: Would we see them going up as gas is released fron the trunra sources,or would we watch the measurments drop as C2O is taken into the tundra sink? A: I think that it would be that it would drop. Q: Does the tine of day really play a big rold during this time of year? Q: I think yes because it is just like the exparenent that we did with doctor Natille it was sunny so we could cover the bucket with a blanket and there was sun and there, there is not much sun so i think yes:)

John Wood

Good thinking. The CO2 is going up however. Good to remember the experiment we did with Dr. Natali, but the difference here is that the plants are all covered with snow right now and cannot see the sun.Thanks,
Mr. Wood