Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 22:48

1.the building is the museum of the north 2.The official name of the mountain is McKinley 3.You are measuring the depth of the snow with the long probe 4.The dog is about 10 yrs old 5.The name of your buddy instrument is smiley plots 6.You had to tape shut the fridge so Talmale wouldn't get in 7.The city you are about to land in is Fairbanks 8.This chart is showing photosynthesis I know this because Dr.Natali and you as well showed us a chart and had us write down seconds by ten and the numbers of the graph and the numbers were all around 500 to 520 9.The two names of the dogs are Tamale and Bultch 10.Your favorite grocery store in fairbanks is Fred Meyers 11.These ice rivers form by one of the rivers was moving in such a way that it almost turned back on itself. This forms a turn that sometimes cuts off part of the river, leaving it as a separate small lake feature. These features are known as Oxboz Lakes 12.The dog sled race is in the Yukon West 13.This instrument is called HOBO weather station and it tells you the CO2 balance and weather 14.The lake feature you are near is Thermokarst 15.The leeward is usually south or it depends on which way the wind is blowing

  1. Tommy has appeared in 4

John Wood

Good job on the quiz. I will let you know how it comes out.Thanks,
Mr. Wood