Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:27

Hi Mr. Wood,

        Sorry i'm late on some of these journals. 

       Journal April 22 :  The German teachers you were talking about, was there anything else besides  talking to each other about where they live and how it is to have your teacher visit a polar regions?

      Journal April 23 : I researched the Palais de congres de Montreal on Wikipedia, and an article says that says things such as the Montreal Auto Show and the United Nations Climate Change Conference, have you ever been to one of those events?

       Journal April 24 :  If an Icebreaker isn't meant for breaking through iceberghs, what is it supposed to do?

    I don't have any questions/ comments for April 25 and April 26.

           I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday, hope you are having fun in Canada!

John Wood

An icebreaker works through sea ice, which is very flat and then compared to an iceberg.Thanks,
Mr. Wood