Hello Mr. Wood, This is Joshua Duquette from period 4
You asked us to send you an e-mail about what thought of and learned at the polarconnect event. I learned that carbon output levels are darastically higher than the output on the surface. Is this because the heat allows organisms to flourish and organic matter to decompose faster? I also learne from my question on how it might be hotter their because of global warming that you should take into account a lot more than just a few days of weather to identify if a climates average temprature is going up. At the assembly I thought of one big concern, what happens if global warming is actually warming the earth! One last other thing I learned was that damage to the permafrost is inrepariable because it took so long for it to get there. By the way, how fast was the polarconnect video feed actually coming, seconds after you said it or minutes? Anyways I hope you have a lot of fun up there and also shrimp is really cute.