Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/23/2012 - 21:48

Dear Mr Wood,

I am wondering about the photo ,"Elizabeth on Skype with the team in Florida." What exactly is Elizabeth talking about with them and who is that team in Florida?

I am also wondering about the photo , " Thermokarst Photo taken by Andres Baron" What is Thermokast in your own words?

                                                                                   Thank you once again for taking your time reading these questions.
                                                                                    I hope you are having great research so far!


Sorry I forgot to put my name, Darren Trinh Period 5

John Wood

Thanks for the good questions. Elizabeth was talking to Dr. Natali and the people on the Carbon Balance team from the lab room at the University of Florida. They were discussing the data that Elizabeth had taken that day and if the numbers made sense. Some times the numbers come out different and you need to decide if there has been a change in the CO2 or if something else affected the instruments. A thermokarst is a place in the frozen ground the sinks because the ice in that ground is melting. The ice that was making the ground solid begins to melt and run off leaving spaces where the soft ground falls in. This can really change the amount of CO2 being released.Keep up the good work,
Mr. Wood